
#1 – Friday Night Euchre – Group Leader:  Brian Kelley

Description:  Meets every other Friday night for fun fellowship and cards for all ages.  Knowing how to play Euchre is helpful, but not required.  Cards provided, bring a snack to share

Times:  Fridays – 6:00-9:00 PM – Oct 11, 25, Nov 8, 22; In the Octagon

#2 – Men’s Coffee Gathering – Group Leader:  Ned Gould

Description:  An opportunity for fellowship and conversation with other men walking together along God’s paths for life.

Times:  Thursdays – 3:00-4:00 PM

#3 – Pastie Making – Group Leader:  Linda Allen

Description:  Make, bake and prepare our famous pasties to sell to the community providing great affordable meals to anybody and everybody.

Times:  3rd Mondays/Tuesdays of month; Sep-May, 8 am-1 pm, 10:30 to help wrap or as your schedule allows

#4 – Thursday Night Volleyball – Group Leader:  Kelly Klein

Description:  Thursday night volleyball is open to people of all ages.  The style of game played is ONE BOUNCE volleyball which welcomes people of all skill and physical levels for exercise and fellowship.

Times:  Thursdays at 6:30-8:30 – September 19 – May 22

#5 – Pickleball – Group Leader:  Jean Terpening

Description:  We are now offering open Pickleball on most Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 AM in the gym.  Come ready to play and bring your paddle. 

However, if you don’t have a paddle, we do have one you can borrow.  All are welcome, no experience


Times:  Tues/Thurs at 9:00-11:00AM – September 10 – ongoing

#6 – Tuesday Night Basketball – Group Leader: Brian Kelley

Description:  Full Court fast paced basketball open for all adults interested.  8 minute games with rotating teams.  All adults are welcome, but the pace of the game really is suited for young adults.  Cost is a $1.00 minimum donation which will support our annual mission.  Halftime devotions are planned each week.

Times:  Tuesdays from 6:00-9:00 PM, October 1 – April 29

#7 – SCCC Men – Group Leader:  Greg Sturgeon

Description:  Our men’s group focusing on service and fellowship.  The men sponsor annual Chicken BBQ and  Christmas Tree Sales among other activities.  Meetings on the second Sunday of each month.

Times:  2nd Sunday of the month breakfasts at 9:45 in the Men’s Sunday School Room/Serving Room

#8 – SC-3 Women’s Group – Group Leader:  Elouise Kilmer

Description:  Organized unit of women whose purpose is to know God, develop a creative supportive

fellowship, and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the Church.  Prayer Shawl ministry, bake sales, rummage sale and Little dresses for Africa are among activities sponsored.

Times:  Ruth Circle – Second Wednesday of each month,

Sep-May at 1:15- Serving Room

#9 – Youth Group – Group Leader:  Lorelei Gano

Description:  Junior and Senior High students meet on Sundays for fellowship, food, fun, and spiritual

development. Starts on September 29.

Times:  6:00-7:30 on Sundays


#10 – Men’s Sunday School – Group Leader: Keith Wolfgram  and Dean Pond

Description:  The Men’s Class focuses on the books of 1 & 2 Peter and Jude for this year.

Times:  Sundays – 9:45-10:45 AM – Sep 8 – May 18 – Men’s Classroom

#11 – Youth Sunday School – Group Leader: John Miller

Description:  This class is designed to help teach, train and disciple teens from grades 6-12.  Each student will learn how to use their Bible in relation to dealing with their everyday challenges, issues, and choices.  Our aim is to help them grow their own faith in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. 

Times:  Sundays – 9:45-10:45 AM – Sep 8 – May 18 – Room 109

#12 – Romans – Group Leader: Theresa Ewald

Description:  A look into the book of Romans.  This Sunday School class will walk through the first letter of Paul to discover the spiritual truths that God has to share with us.

Times:  Sundays – 9:45-10:45 AM – Sep 8 – May 18 – Room 106

#13 – Christianity 101 – Group Leader: Pastor Dan Bowman

Description:  Pastor Dan will be teaching an eight week class on Christianity 101 on Sunday mornings from 10:00-10:45. This class will serve as a membership class for anyone interested in joining the church.  This class will cover topics such as the Bible, Theology, the history of the Christianity, major doctrinal development and how to serve Christ in our present world.  All are welcome to join in.

Times:  Sundays – 10:00-10:45 AM – September 29 – November 10 – Room 105

#14 – Digging Deeper  – Group Leader: Pastor Dan Bowman

Description:  In depth study of the previous week’s sermon.  This class allows for a greater understanding of the Biblical text used in the  previous week’s sermon and for a small group discussion about where the Lord is trying to lead through the reading of His word.

Times:  Wednesdays– 10:00-11:00 am – on-going – HeBrews Café

#15 – Disciple 3– Group Leader: Lucinda Brier

Description:  Level two Bible Study class to guide people into a deeper understanding of the Bible.  Deep emersion into the scriptures and study is a part of being involved in this class.

Times:  Mondays at 10:00 AM in Room 105 – September 9 – May

#16 – Disciple 4– Group Leader: Rich Moreland

Description:  Level three Bible Study class to guide people into a deeper understanding of the Bible.  Deep emersion into the scriptures and study is a part of being involved in this class.

Times:  Mondays at 6:00 PM in Room 105 – September 9 – May

#17 – Grief Support Group Leader: Cheryl Bernritter

Description:  If you have experienced the loss of a loved one in your life and perhaps are struggling to work through the grief that you are feeling, this class offers confidential discussion with others who are struggling with similar issues and the opportunity to discover the spiritual process of grieving.

Times:  Wednesdays at 6:00 PM – Oct 9-Nov 20 – Room 105

#18 – The Chosen – Season 2 Group Leader: Pastor Dan Bowman

Description:  Pastor Dan will be offering a class on the TV show ‘The Chosen’.  The Chosen depicts the life and ministry of Jesus.  We will be looking at episodes and discussing the main points of each episode.  Pastor Dan believes that The Chosen does a wonderful job of introducing people to the life of Jesus Christ and His ministry.  It also introduces other characters which can lead to very interesting conversations.

Times:  Wednesdays at 6:00 PM – Oct 9-Nov 20 – HeBrews Café

#19 – 7 Keys to Spiritual Growth Group Leader: Brian Kelley

Description:  All of us are on a journey to develop our relationships with the Lord and each of us are at different places.  However, there are certain keys which we can all apply to help us along our journeys.  This class will share specific ways for us to develop in the following 7 ways:  Dedicate time to Studying the Word of God, Spend time in prayer and fasting, Be in fellowship with believers, Learn to value servanthood, Learn to Worship God for Who He is, Examine yourself and repent of sin, and Walk with the Holy Spirit Daily.

Times:  Wednesdays at 6:00 PM – Oct 9-Nov 20 – Murbach Hall


#20 – ARK – Group Leader:  Linda Evans

Description:  Providing meals and services to those recovering from surgery or illness.  This loving group helps each other make it through difficult times.

Times:  Service and meetings are offered as needed.

#21 – Basketball Food Team – Group Leader:  Dawn Golden

Description:  This group provides light meals to the Tuesday Night Basketball players at the end of the evening, some of whom are in need of a free healthy meal.  There will be a rotation of food providers on this team serving and making meals.

Times:  Tuesdays from 7:45-9:00 PM – October 4 – April 25

#22 – Care Committee – Group Leader:  Rich Moreland

Description:  Team of caring adults who reach out in service and prayer to those in serious health needs either at home, hospital, or care communities.  Group meets to discuss visit rotations and care providing.

Times:  Periodic meetings to be determined

#23 – Chapel Bells Group Leader:  Amy Joy

Description:  Sanctuary Service Bell Choir performing periodically in both the 8:30 and 11:00 AM Worship services.

Rehearsal Time:  Thursdays at 6:00 –7:00 PM – September through May

#24 – Communion Serving – Group Leader:  Group Leader:  Rhona McBride

Description:  Preparing elements and serving communion to the congregation once a month.

Times:  First or second Sunday of each month

#25 – Connect/Grow/Serve  Coordination Team – Group Leader:  Brian Kelley

Description:  Evaluate Small Groups and make preparations for upcoming Connect/Grow/Serve Group assignments

Times:  Periodic meetings to be determined

#26 – Faithville– Group Leader:  Tracy Reed

Description:  Are you interested in volunteering one or more Sundays with our elementary kids?  There are many ways to get involved:  checking kids in, classroom helper, rotation leader for art, science, games, cooking, missions, and spiritual practices (all curriculum and materials provided ahead of time).  If you have a heart for children come join the fun!!!

Times:  Sundays – 9:45-10:45 AM or 11:00am-Noon

Or Wednesdays Kids Clubhouse – 6:00-7:30 PM – Oct 9 – Nov 20

#27 – Funeral Dinners – Group Leader: Greg Sturgeon

Description:  Preparing and serving meals to families and friends for a church funeral.  Roles include prep, cooking, making deserts and salads and cleanup.

Times:  As needed

#28 – HeBrews Café – Group Leader:  Greg Sturgeon

Description:  Planning and preparing food, coffee, and hospitality for our church in the HeBrews Café.

Times:  Sundays from 7:30 AM – Noon

#29 – Kingdom Singers– Group Leader:  Amy Joy

Description:  Sanctuary Service choir performing in both the 8:30 and 11:00 AM Worship services.

Times:  Thursdays at 7:00 –9:00 PM – September through May

#30 – Men’s Workday – Group Leader: Bruce Lanning

Description:  Performs various repairs, maintenance and projects around the church building to help keep costs down.  Morning includes times of fellowship and prayer and of course doughnuts.

Times:  4th Tuesdays of each month year round – 8:30 am – about 12:00 noon

#31 – Missions Committee – Group Leader:  Pat Johnson

Description:  Team that makes mission support decisions for our church and finds ways to support our community as well as missions throughout the world.

Times:  Periodically throughout the year.

#32 – Swartz Creek Community Food Basket Group Leader:  Janet Jennings

Description:  Our church hosts a very active food pantry serving hundreds of families within the boundaries of the Swartz Creek Community School District.  We are always in need of volunteers for the two times when we are open.

Times:  Tuesdays from 3:00-5:00 PM and Fridays from 10:00am – Noon.

#33 – Ushers – Group Leader: 8:30-Greg Sturgeon – 11:00-Ron Huffman

Description:  Our team of leaders who help administer the sanctuary services by welcoming guests and taking care of other tasks that often go unseen.  The ushers are an essential part of providing a welcoming experience for our congregation.  Volunteer opportunities can be by the week or by the month and service weeks are flexible for family needs.

Times:  8:30 and 11:00 am services

#34 – Worship Tech Teams – Group Leader:  Steve Jordan

Description:  Learn how to develop new audio/visual resources for The Well

Worship Service and Sanctuary Services and operate audio/visual equipment.

Times:  Meetings to be determined